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by Aaron AD February 20, 2017
Argan oil has been touted as a miracle oil. Indeed, this oil can be considered a miracle for all the uses that it has. It has a long list of uses, including medical conditions that it can help to ease. This includes boosting heart health, lowering cholesterol levels, treating cancer, speeding up the healing of wounds, managing diabetes, and protecting the liver just to name a few.
Argan oil is extracted from the kernels of the argan tree which grows only in Morocco in North Africa. The natives in Morocco used the oil to drizzle it over their food. Its medicinal and other uses were only recently discovered.
The following are some of the benefits of argan oil;
Argan oil is today commonly used to treat and prevent skin blemishes. It has triterpenoids and other organic compounds that can remove scars and age spots. It can also ease acne and acne scars. Even more important is that it can fight tumorous skin cells. Argan oil can also turn back the hands of time by improving skin elasticity which keeps one looking young.
Argan oil is now the choice of oil in the kitchen. This is because it helps to reduce the levels of bad cholesterol and increase the levels of the good. This helps to prevent heart diseases like stroke, heart attacks, atherosclerosis and other heart problems.
Argan oil is chock-full of triterpenoids and antioxidants which effectively fight free radicals. Free radicals can cause cancer and other serious, chronic diseases that cause healthy cells to mutate. So far, studies have concentrated on bladder and prostate cancer but it has been found that argan oil generally has anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce tumors and other growths caused by cancer in every part of the body.
Despite making the effort to eat well, some people have problems with their digestive system such as a poorly functioning gastric system. Argan oil's organic compounds increase pepsin levels in the stomach and also encourage the production of gastric juices. This boosts digestion and better absorption of nutrients.
The liver is one of the key organs in the body. It has to function effectively to flush out toxins that would otherwise cause a lot of harm. Argan oil boosts liver function with its protective properties which help to keep all the other organs clean and free of toxins so they can function optimally.
Argan oil will help to clear your wounds when applied on the skin or when it is put in a carrier oil. It also helps if it is taken internally but it is more effective when it is applied to the wound. The oil also helps to prevent infection.
Looking good gives anyone a healthy self-esteem and argan oil helps with this as well. For the hair, argan oil gives the hair shine, softness and it promotes growth by nourishing the follicles. Its high levels of vitamin E also help to restore dry, frizzy hair. Argan oil also works for nails which it keeps healthy by nourishing the nail bed and cuticles. It has antibacterial properties that prevent bacterial and fungal nail infections that are unsightly.
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