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  • Meet FRÉ Ambassador Chantha Thach, Fitness Coach, Bodybuilder & Artist

    by Jude Jacob January 31, 2021

    Meet FRÉ Ambassador Chantha Thach, Fitness Coach, Bodybuilder & Artist


    About me: I was born in Portland, Oregon, raised in Ohio, and now live in New York. I am positive and passionate about life and use my authenticity to bring out authenticity in others.

    My fitness journey 

    My fitness journey started with a bad break up at the end 2013. I was so broken and wanted to be happy again. I started bodybuilding. I found a coach, prepped for 9 months and won 4 trophies. Fitness saved my life from depression. At the end of the day, it wasn't about the trophies, it was about empowering myself. 

    In 2014, I decided to quit my job as a fashion designer and became a personal trainer. I was empowered and wanted to help others feel the way I felt on stage: confident, beautiful, and empowered. I still do a lot of soul searching, and I truly believe goals of looking great aren't enough, and that transformation has to come from within. I still have so much to learn and do!


    "Fitness saved my life from depression."


    Holistic coaching

    People think coaches are just about fitness and nutrition, but in truth it’s more about psychology. On a personal level, I’m very self critical and I’m working on that. I tell my clients to change their critical mindset and to do things that make them feel good. This can include breathing exercises, meditation, reading and mantras. Mindset and the way you speak to yourself comes first; your body will follow. With clients, I focus on one small change at a time, for example if they dont drink enough we’ll spend the first week focusing on that.

    Adapting to COVID 19

    I was fortunate in 2020, I'm an independent trainer so I adapted quickly to the situation and continued training clients outside and remotely. My gym closed permanently, but I was able to continue training. Many of my clients got very depressed. I was their outlet during a tough time and I felt fortunate to be in a positive mindset. I gave a lot of LIVE workouts and tips to stay calm. I’ve also been improvising, for example I didn’t have weights at home, so I used liquor bottles leftover from my wedding. People loved it!

    Falling in love with watercolors

    I have a Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts, and was a Fashion Designer in New York for 5 years. The funny thing is, I was never good at watercolors, but as I got older watercolors became therapeutic, and all about self love. I was able to use my ART to help heal myself and others.  I started painting “organic hearts” - I blow onto each painting so the water splashes. Love is organic and I wanted to show this.


    Each painting is unique and sometimes they are based around mantras or poems. One of my favorite poems is Phenomenal Woman by Maya Angelou. A friend of mine sent me this after my devastating breakup and it has really stuck with me. 

    "I started painting “organic hearts” - I blow onto each painting so the water splashes. Love is organic and I wanted to show this."



    I have combination skin that’s oily in my T-zone and that's where I break out. I went to a dermatologist and got so many different chemicals. I took oral pills for a while but they messed with my hormones. Then I went to a friend who does facials and really helped my skin. I showed her FRÉ and she told me the ingredients are great so I’ve been using the products ever since. 

    My routine 

    I never had a routine before. Now, I wash my face in the morning with PURIFY ME then apply REVIVE ME followed by a dab of 100% Organic Argan Oil. I’ll use PROTECT ME as well if I go outside. 

    I keep I AM JOY on my desk and I take REFRESH ME with me wherever I go. Every 4 nights I use DETOX ME. I love RECOVER ME, it’s the best thing in the world! I like to add a drop of I AM LOVE to it. This has been my routine for 1.5 years and I swear by it! 

    Rapid Fire:

    • Favorite exercise? Squats
    • What does sweat mean to you? Putting effort into something, giving it your all
    • What comes to mind when you think of FRÉ? Feeling grounded
    • What are you most excited about in life right now? I'm working on a retreat for mind and body to help people love themselves for who they are
    • What’s something you’d still love to learn? Self love and my own wellness
    • If you were a hashtag, what would you be? #hearton
    • What is your mantra? Everything within 
    • What’s the best advice that you’ve ever received in your life? You only have one life and everything is a choice
    • What is an issue that you wish we spoke about more often? We don't talk enough about being healthy from the inside out.
    • What does women’s empowerment mean in 2021? Women already have the power and it's just about letting it shine.
    • What are your dreams for the FRÉ community? I love that we are volunteering with Girls on the Run. I wish I’d had something like this as a little girl. My dream is to continue to do charity with FRÉ and for FRÉ to continue to grow!

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